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Claims Processing


While processing claims can be a sophisticated process, ESKA General clarifies your tasks with a step-by-step workflow. ESKA General contains all features necessary to manage claims effectively with both your claimants and external parties, while also tracking all provisions within your financial system.

When you process a client’s claim, ESKA General automatically retrieves all their information, saving you from the hassle of manual retrieval. Depending on the type of accident, you can automatically implement or specifically select a payment scheme most appropriate for your customers and the services they need.

ESKA General additionally integrates your claims data with your reinsurance and accounting systems. Paired with ESKA General’s reporting and inquiry tools, you can gain a clear picture of your finances and make educated adjustments for a stronger operation.

  • Implement different payment schemes for each insurance class according to types of accidents and losses.
  • Quickly service insurance claims with reserves, purchase and repair orders.
  • Increase financial diligence when servicing a claim with workshop bidding, reserves estimates and fraud verifications.
  • Integrate internal or external surveyors and tasks within the claims process.
  • Define required document groups for all insurance classes and claims. Build a database of service suppliers with which to service claims, from hospitals and repair shops to technicians and engineers.
  • Synchronize claims data with your reserves, provisions and reinsurance calculations.
  • Integrate all financial transactions with the processing capabilities of ESKA Business Manager.