ESKADENIA joins a high-tech Jordanian delegation to China
ESKADENIA, Amman, Jordan, November, 2007

The trip aimed at bridging between the two countries’ economies, which from int@j’s angle involves a focus on IT business, transference of technology to Jordan, and training and knowledge exchange in the area of ICT.
ESKADENIA Software, represented by Executive Director Doha Abdlekhaleq, joined the three-day business part that was administered by the Jordan Investment Board (JIB) and took place in the China Hall at the Shangri La Hotel in the city of Shanghai. ESKADENIA participated with the JIB introductory video, calling for Chinese investors to come and invest in Jordan’s ICT market in the Mandarin language.
The Jordan Investment Forum took place on November the 1st, 2007 whereby the participating Jordanian companies got to exchange one-to-one sessions with Chinese counterparts. The rest of the visit was well spent in field trips to different sites including, amongst others, China’s Internet City and Technology Park, as well as arranged visits to major high-tech IT and telecom companies.
Attending from the private sector were members of Int@j, Express, ProgressSoft, Estarta Solutions, Beat, Hakaya, Aspire, and ESKADENIA Software.
ESKADENIA® Software is active in the design, development and deployment of a range of software products in the Telecommunications, Enterprise and Internet application areas. The company is based in Jordan and has sales activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. ESKADENIA is a product and market-oriented organisation that assists enterprises and promotes businesses by use of highly effective IT strategies, tools and solutions, and more than 80% of its sales are exported to the Global IT market. ESKADENIA strongly believes that a company's achievement is derived from the success of its Human Resources and the commitment to quality and excellence that each one holds strong to. ESKADENIA endeavours as a team to maintain quality, strive for customer respect, build up perseverance, and foster innovation while handling any task or challenge.
For more information, please contact us at PR_Communications@eskadenia.com, or visit our site, www.eskadenia.com.