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ESKADENIA Software Outlines New Strategies at the Company Annual Strategy Meeting of 2016


ESKADENIA Software, the leading Jordanian-based provider of world class software products & services conducted its 2016 Annual Strategy Meeting with the presence of the Company Management and Sales Teams to recap its strategic plan, goals and objectives. The meeting took place at the Jordan Valley Marriott Resort & Spa on Thursday, the 11th of February 2016.

The Annual Strategy Meeting started with an introduction speech by the Managing Director & the Executive Director of ESKADENIA Software that reviewed the achievements of the previous year and the broad objectives of 2016. The Sales & Business Development unit presented their financial achievements of last year and outlined the new targets and markets that should be under focus in 2016, while the Business Units Managers of the (Insurance, Enterprise, Billing, WirelessHealth & Education, Internet, Shared Products, Quality and IT Networks) who discussed their department’s objectives, requirements, plans and the methods to achieve the desired goals, the presentations included a detailed outline of Financials, Products, Projects, Competence and Personal Targets for the current year and charted their strategies to achieve these objectives. The Annual Strategy Meeting carried on with a number of discussions that aimed to agree on a set of reachable yet dynamic objectives that each has to be achieved by ESKADENIA Software key players.

Each year, ESKADENIA Software conduct the Annual Strategy Meeting as a following tradition of keeping the eye on the higher target and as consistent reminder of the Company’s Mission “to become a leading and global provider of World-Class Products, Services and Solutions that exceed customers’ expectations”, the strategy meeting also included a “food for thought” session, that was conducted by the Speaker and Trainer Mr. Maher Salameh to convey some of the hacks and tips of the Modern Sales etiquettes and tactics.

Mr. Nael Salah, Managing Director & Ms Doha Abdelkhaleq Executive Director at ESKADENIA Software, said “The whole day retreat was dedicated to discuss and agree on goals and objectives of 2016. The objectives included enhancing improvements of the company sales reach proactivity, customer satisfaction and brand recognition. The meeting, in addition recognized staff who actively contributed in the achievements of the past year particularly in the Production and financial area where the company made outstanding results that will reflect positively on all its shareholders and employees”.

About ESKADENIA Software

ESKADENIA® Software is MENA IR Winner & a CMMI® level (3) certified company that is active in the design, development and deployment of a range of software products in the Telecommunications, Insurance, Enterprise, EducationHealthcare and Internet application areas. The company is based in Jordan and has sales activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; more than 85% of its sales are exported to the global market. ESKADENIA Software is a product and market-oriented organization that assists enterprises and promotes businesses by use of highly effective IT strategies, solutions and tools. ESKADENIA Software strongly believes that a company's achievement is based on the success of its Human Resources and the commitment to quality and excellence that each one holds strong to. ESKADENIA endeavors as a team to maintain quality and customer respect, build up perseverance, and foster innovation. For more information, please contact us at, or visit our site,