ESKADENIA Software Participates in INJAZ Business Leaders Campaign

ESKADENIA Software, Amman, Jordan, November 2009
Guided by a strong entrepreneurial spirit within the Jordan Information and Communications Technology sector and having founded one of the leading software houses in the region, ESKADENIA Software’s Managing Director Nael Salah and Executive Director Doha Abdelkhaleq shared with the students of Queen Rania Secondary School for Girls in Amman, and the Adnan Secondary School for Girls in Al Mazar in Karak their business story on a personal and professional level. They talked with the students about the journey of building companies and how to overcome obstacles to become successful business professionals and good corporate citizens.
During his session, Mr Salah shared with the students the importance of perseverance in building one’s career and the need for innovation in all what we do. He encouraged the young audience that the market holds endless opportunities for those who pursue success with full effort.
On her part, Ms Abdelkhaleq highlighted the increasing demand for qualified females in the ICT sector, in addition to the importance of the Human Recourses and competence management in developing and building Jordanian IT companies. She also pointed out the need to facilitate the freedom of movement for work for females in the Arab world, and to liberate the market from all related obstacles, as well as putting the proper legislations and broadband connectivity towards allowing individuals and most importantly women to work from their homes as an option.
The Business Leaders Campaign is a pioneering initiative that tackles an important angle in the students' academic and social lives related to the students' morale and enthusiasm. It aims at inspiring, motivating and growing students' desires to succeed professionally. The campaign does that through engaging the CEOs of leading companies in schools around the Kingdom to share their knowledge and experience with the students inside classrooms. More than 100 CEOs will be participating this year in this exceptional program to share their aspirations with more than 5,000 students.
INJAZ was announced as a Jordanian non-profit organisation by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah in 2001 after being launched by Save the Children in 1999 with funds from the USAID.
INJAZ provides unique courses that focus on entrepreneurship, leadership, problem solving, and social skills. Professional volunteers from both the private and public sectors conduct these courses, where the dynamic interaction between students and classroom volunteers, who have practical business experience, promotes active learning and brings theory to life.
A main pillar at INJAZ, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah II, has shown great interest and support since the inception of the program. Her continuous and abundant support took many shapes; she volunteered to conduct some courses, participated in the student discussions and debates, and launched the INJAZ initiatives. Throughout the years, Her Majesty has been a partner that INJAZ is honoured to have.
About ESKADENIA Software
For more information, please contact Lina Hussein at PR_Communications@eskadenia.com, or visit our site, www.eskadenia.com