"For the Fourth time" ESKADENIA Software participates in INJAZ Job Shadowing Programme

ESKADENIA Software, Amman, Jordan, January 2011
ESKADENIA Software worked with seven students from the 10th grade from Jameel Shaker public school to “shadow” business professionals at the company’s premises. The goal of the programme is to allow students to experience a real-career day and to help them decide on their future career preferences.
Through their visit to ESKADENIA, students gathered career related information and became aware of trends in the field and experienced workforce technologies in action, and explored a variety of career paths. Each student was able to interview his ESKADENIA host, and learn about the skills required for different jobs.
The motivating program equipped the students with some career awareness and mentoring. In addition, the students were allowed to witness work procedures and methodologies in actual situations, which provided exposure to a challenging environment that is different from the classroom at school.
“The Injaz initiatives and programs deserve all the support, due to the true value and long term impact they add to the market”, said Doha Abdelkhaleq, Executive Director of ESKADENIA Software.
About Injaz
INJAZ was announced as a Jordanian non-profit organisation by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah in 2001 after being launched by Save the Children in 1999 with funds from the USAID. INJAZ provides unique courses that focus on entrepreneurship, leadership, problem solving, and social skills. Professional volunteers from both the private and public sectors conduct these courses, where the dynamic interaction between students and classroom volunteers, who have practical business experience, promotes active learning and brings theory to life.
A main pillar at INJAZ, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah II, has shown great interest and support since the inception of the programme. Her continuous and abundant support took many shapes; she volunteered to conduct some courses, participated in the student discussions and debates, and launched the INJAZ initiatives. Throughout the years, Her Majesty has been a partner that INJAZ is honoured to have.
About ESKADENIA Software
ESKADENIA® Software is active in the design, development and deployment of a range of software products in the Telecommunications, Insurance, Enterprise, Education, and Internet application areas. The company is based in Jordan and has sales activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; more than 85% of its sales are exported to the global market. ESKADENIA Software is a product and market-oriented organisation that assists enterprises and promotes businesses by use of highly effective IT strategies, solutions and tools. ESKADENIA Software strongly believes that a company's achievement is based on the success of its Human Resources and the commitment to quality and excellence that each one holds strong to. ESKADENIA endeavours as a team to maintain quality and customer respect, build up perseverance, and foster innovation.
For more information, please contact us at PR_Communications@eskadenia.com, or visit our site, www.eskadenia.com
ESKADENIA Software worked with seven students from the 10th grade from Jameel Shaker public school to “shadow” business professionals at the company’s premises. The goal of the programme is to allow students to experience a real-career day and to help them decide on their future career preferences.
Through their visit to ESKADENIA, students gathered career related information and became aware of trends in the field and experienced workforce technologies in action, and explored a variety of career paths. Each student was able to interview his ESKADENIA host, and learn about the skills required for different jobs.
The motivating program equipped the students with some career awareness and mentoring. In addition, the students were allowed to witness work procedures and methodologies in actual situations, which provided exposure to a challenging environment that is different from the classroom at school.
“The Injaz initiatives and programs deserve all the support, due to the true value and long term impact they add to the market”, said Doha Abdelkhaleq, Executive Director of ESKADENIA Software.
About Injaz
INJAZ was announced as a Jordanian non-profit organisation by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah in 2001 after being launched by Save the Children in 1999 with funds from the USAID. INJAZ provides unique courses that focus on entrepreneurship, leadership, problem solving, and social skills. Professional volunteers from both the private and public sectors conduct these courses, where the dynamic interaction between students and classroom volunteers, who have practical business experience, promotes active learning and brings theory to life.
A main pillar at INJAZ, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah II, has shown great interest and support since the inception of the programme. Her continuous and abundant support took many shapes; she volunteered to conduct some courses, participated in the student discussions and debates, and launched the INJAZ initiatives. Throughout the years, Her Majesty has been a partner that INJAZ is honoured to have.
About ESKADENIA Software
ESKADENIA® Software is active in the design, development and deployment of a range of software products in the Telecommunications, Insurance, Enterprise, Education, and Internet application areas. The company is based in Jordan and has sales activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; more than 85% of its sales are exported to the global market. ESKADENIA Software is a product and market-oriented organisation that assists enterprises and promotes businesses by use of highly effective IT strategies, solutions and tools. ESKADENIA Software strongly believes that a company's achievement is based on the success of its Human Resources and the commitment to quality and excellence that each one holds strong to. ESKADENIA endeavours as a team to maintain quality and customer respect, build up perseverance, and foster innovation.
For more information, please contact us at PR_Communications@eskadenia.com, or visit our site, www.eskadenia.com