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Enterprise Systems
With growing demands and greater value for the healthcare sector, we are seeing a shift that requires more innovative outcomes from the industry. Due to revenue pressures and rising cost, the demands of receiving good healthcare is now becoming a tougher and more difficult process.

ESKADENIA Software has a range of advanced integrated and user-friendly software products to meet the growing needs of today’s Medical Practices and Healthcare providers.

We at ESKADENIA, have a deep grasp of the healthcare sector’s demands for cutting edge technologies to match the needs of hospitals, doctors, dentists, patients, pharmacies, laboratories and radiology centres.

We provide a range of healthcare management systems ready to meet the requirements that the industry seeks, whether for inpatient or outpatient services.

Our healthcare systems covers functions related to:

    • Hospitals
    • Clinics
    • Laboratory
    • Radiology
    • Pharmacy