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How time tracking systems boost team performance

By: Lana Bawaneh

To keep up with industrial growth and development, it is essential to practice good organizational skills. Being disorganized can hinder the ability to get where you want to be professionally, decrease productivity, cost time and money and can even become very stressful. Also, the disorder can cause confusing dates, mixing up assignments and missing deadlines.

As for the fact that the employees are a company’s greatest assets and through them, the company will accomplish its goals and objectives; companies need to provide their teams with the best work environment and tools that will make working and achieving goals smoothly. One of the most effective tools a company can provide for its teams is a tool that can keep their work and tasks organized, tracked and controlled.

Your team’s daily routine 

Team members arrive at work, check all the pending tasks, list them down on paper, define the deadlines for each task, draw a timeline to help ease the process, and define the priorities for each task. Team members’ will start working on their tasks based on the list they created previously. Whenever team members want to start working on new tasks they would add them to the list. The more the list was well-prepared and organized, the more efficient the work will be. This seems to be a stressful process and could take a lot of time if the employee has too many tasks to perform.

If the employees are working on big and complicated tasks, they might need to break them into smaller chunks so they can focus on one area at a time. In addition, they might need other teammates to work with them; in that case, team leaders would have to manage and coordinate among team members and their work.

Sometimes working on so many tasks at the same time might lead to forgetting deadlines. This would cause problems at work! So having to remember deadlines is a must, teams can place calendars on their desks and write every deadline on it.

In case tasks were done or employees stopped working on a certain task, they must be scratched from the list in order to keep it up to date.

All of these steps are tips to help employees get their work done, although it is not an easy thing to do and it requires a lot of time in order to prioritize the work. Here comes the need to have a tool that will do the job for you.

All you need to get organized is a pen and paper, or just an app on your device

A time tracking software is an essential time management tool that helps employees to become more efficient, organized and get more things done. Having a tool that can get your daily tasks organized and tracked is one of the most important things at work! By keeping your work organized, you will save time looking for things and will have more time to work on important tasks, thus increasing your team's productivity.

It is not only useful for employees, but it also helps team leaders greatly in managing their teams, assigning tasks, setting deadlines and keeping track of the teams’ work.

The good thing about such a system is that it allows teams to link each task with a project and each project with a workspace that allows team members to have the full image on the projects along with the tasks assigned to them. Setting tasks under projects and projects under workspaces will positively organize the work and make everything clear for the team! Teams can be added only to the projects they’re working on.

Imagine yourself coming to work every day with a list of your tasks ready, organized and detailed! You will start working immediately focusing only on achieving your tasks. You come to work having time and energy, but you’ll never have enough of both to accomplish everything you need to do every day. What you really need to do is focus on the most important tasks first.

Working with the team on the same task or project seems to be a hard and complicated process, but with the existing of such advanced software, it is not anymore! Keeping track of all team members’ work will make the task run smoothly like never before.

Having a system that sends you reminders and notifications to keep all your tasks scheduled and on-time is absolutely one of the best things a system can have! By receiving reminders for projects and task deadlines ahead of time, employees can cut down on missed deadlines, therefore, missed revenue.

Such systems will not only make it easier and more efficient to organize and keep track of the tasks and work, but it also makes it easier for employees to submit their timesheets on time and with fewer errors.

Submitting your daily tasks will allow you and your team leader to have a detailed idea of your status, the projects' statuses, where you stand at the moment and what do you have for the future. This will enable employees to be more efficient in their day-to-day life.

Integration makes perfect

To improve operational efficiency, it's important to find the best business systems to expand and operate the various operations through Systems Integration.

ESKA Time Tracker
is part of ESKA Synergy that is a plug-and-play software suite that enhances teamwork in small teams and larger businesses alike, covering everything from time-tracking and project planning to recruitment and payrolls. The result is a framework that integrates all essential team processes and tasks on one platform.

ESKA Synergy includes functionalities beyond task management, including integration with other systems, such as:
  • ESKA Financial, financial management software that handles all monetary processes across the whole organization.
  • ESKA HR, human resources management software that handles all employee needs and personnel activities.
  • ESKA DOCS, a document management system that handles any creation, storage, version control, tracking, sharing and distribution of an organization’s documents. 
  • ESKA Workflow, a work process system to facilitate the automation of an organization’s procedures.
  • ESKA Project Manager, a system for managing any type of organization projects in different industries.
  • Third-party systems, this system can connect with other third-party external systems, covering the various company functions across all industry sectors, whether financial services, insurance, supply chain, hospitality or more.

Through this integration, organizations will be having a comprehensive suite to manage all employees, their work and their payroll. This suite will cover everything related to the employees.

Using an advanced time tracking system will make work easier than ever before. It will definitely save time, effort and increase productivity; as a result, it will boost the organizations’ profits.

To know more about ESKA Timer Tracker and how it works in harmony with the other systems in the ESKA Synergy suite, take a look at this article or visit the ESKA Synergy product page. ESKA Synergy will absolutely make an effective difference in organizations. Regardless of whether the organization was small or large, the need for a time tracking system is essential. And by having the full suite, accomplishments are guaranteed.